The Master of Biotechnology Program prepares students, both full- and part-time, for leadership in the critically important and dynamic industries of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Strongly interdisciplinary, this innovative professional master's program draws its faculty and courses from the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Penn's world-class biomedical research centers, renowned science departments and position at the hub of the largest pharmaceutical/biotechnology corridor in the United States, place this program at the vanguard of biotechnology education.
Three parallel curriculum tracks: 1) molecular biotechnology, 2) biopharmaceutical/engineering biotechnology, 3) biomedical technologies give students flexibility to tailor their degree to their background, interests, and current career or career goals. These tracks, in combination with core courses, insure that students get a uniquely broad exposure to the entire field of biotechnology.
Find Us
Master of Biotechnology Program Office
220 S. 33rd Street, Rm. 311A
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6391