BIOT Curriculum – Students Entering Fall 2024 and Beyond


Students will need to take 6 core classes and 4 electives, which are dependent on their track selection. In addition to the curriculum listed below, students must take at least 7 credit units– between the core and electives–within SEAS courses. Those SEAS programs are: BE, BIOT, CBE, CIS/CIT, EAS, ENGR, ENM, ESE, IPD, MSE, & MEAM. If a course is cross-listed, students must take the SEAS version of it for it to count toward this 7 SEAS course requirement. Students may take up to 2 EAS courses toward the degree. EAS 8960 and EAS 8970 do not count toward the 10 CUs for the program. Students are also limited to 2 IPD courses toward the degree. 

Please note that each course a student takes may only count for one course requirement, even if the course technically can fit under multiple requirements.

Students may petition to use a different course for core courses and electives both. Students should use the Petition Form in the MBIOT Student Resources shared Google folder to request an exception. (NOTE: Students in the Molecular Biology track may not petition to substitute another course in for their 2 CU BIOT 5990 requirement.) Petitions should be received prior to the student signing up for the course.

The curriculum below lists common courses that students take for the degree, and may be updated as more courses are allowed. Please note that not all courses will be available each semester and advisors cannot guarantee that students will get a spot in any particular course. Students should not plan their full 10 CU course schedule around any particular course.

Expectations for Graduate Students

The courses listed below as what a student is allowed to take, not what they will be guaranteed to be able to take. Advisors will sign off on courses each semester based on this list, but advisors are not responsible for double-checking the following list.

Graduate students are expected to take charge of their curriculum planning, and double check in the course catalog and PATH for the following information:

  • If a course is being offered in the semester they want to take
  • If a course has prerequisites
    • If a course you’re interested in has a prerequisite, check to see if you have taken it already, or that you have the proper background previously from classes from your undergraduate degree. You can always contact the instructor of the course you wish to take and ask them if they feel the course is appropriate for you.
  • If a course has restrictions on who can take it
  • If a course has seats available
  • If a course is online, and if so, if you are allowed to take it under the SEAS online policy

Core Curriculum

Listed below are the six core curriculum areas, along with approved courses that can be used to fulfill each requirement. Students should focus on fulfilling their core curriculum in their first two semesters, though they may take electives as well.

Core Curriculum Courses

Track Curriculum

Each student is required to select one of the below tracks during admission to the program. Students will be required to take 4 credit units of electives according to the respective requirements for that track.

Molecular Biology Track Classes

Biopharmaceutical/Engineering Biotechnology Track Classes

Biomedical Technologies Track Classes

Select 2 classes from the following: 

  • 5000+ courses in BE
  • 5000+ courses in CBE
  • BIOL 5517: Theoretical Population Biology
  • BIOL 5535: Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling
  • BIOL 5536: Fundamentals of Computational Biology
  • BIOL 5860: Mathematical Modeling in Biology
  • BIOM 5350: Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • BMIN 5010: Introduction to Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • BMIN 5020: Database and Data Integration in Biomedical Research
  • BMIN 5030: Data Science for Biomedical Informatics
  • CIS 5350: Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • CIS 5450: Big Data Analytics
  • CIS 5500: Database and Information Systems
  • CIT 5900: Programming Languages and Techniques
  • CIT 5920: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
  • EAS 5120: Engineering Negotiation
  • ENGR 5040: Fundamental Concepts in Nanotechnology
  • ENM 5030: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • EPID 6000: Data Science for Biomedical Informatics
  • EPID 6300: Clinical Trials
  • ESE 5420: Statistics for Data Science
  • GCB 5340: Experimental Genome Science
  • HCIN 6062: Using Data for Transformation
  • MATH 5861: Mathematical Modeling in Biology
  • MTR 5350: Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • REG 5100: Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research
  • REG 6110: Clinical Trial Management

Select 2 classes from the following: 

  • Most Core Curriculum classes listed above—but students may not double-count courses
    • Classes in Free Elective section cannot necessarily be used; speak to an advisor
  • 5000+ course in SEAS (BE, BIOT—including up to 2 CUs of BIOT 5990—, CBE, CIS/CIT, EAS—excluding EAS 8960 and EAS 8970—, ENGR, ENM, ESE, IPD, MSE, & MEAM)
  • BMIN 5010: Introduction to Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • CAMB 6980: Elective Tutorials in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • CAMB 7070: Cell and Gene Therapy
  • EPID 5750: Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology
  • HCIN 6062: Using Data for Transformation
  • NGG 5880: Topics in Translational Neuroscience
  • REG 6110: Clinical Trial Management
  • REG 6120: Introduction to Drug Development
  • REG 6220: New Trends in Medicine and Vaccine Discovery