As of Fall 2024, 10.0 credit units (CUs) are required to obtain the Masters of Biotechnology degree. There are 6 core CUs that are required for all Biotechnology students. The remaining 4 CUs are made up of the track electives. As of 2020, 7 of the 11 required CUs must be taken within the Schools of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). Though they will be assigned an advisor, students in the program are ultimately responsible for making sure they meet the Masters of Biotechnology degree’s requirements.
Please note re: course offerings: All courses listed on these pages are subject to change based on the department offering that course. Departments have the right to change the term, cancel, or discontinue courses. Please check the catalog for up-to-date listings.
Please note re: tuition: Please follow the link to tuition costs for the current tuition rates from SEAS. If you plan to take courses outside of SEAS, you should contact the department/school for more information about tuition rates.
Curriculum for those who entered the program in Fall 2024 and Beyond
Curriculum for those who entered the program in Fall 2022 & Fall 2023
Curriculum for those who entered the program in Fall 2020 & Fall 2021
Students in the program who have questions regarding the curriculum, please email your Program Coordinator directly. Prospective students should email